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About Circuit Tech International

We have a workforce of over 150, including 30 qualified plastic welders. We use CADCAM and CNC machining extensively.

Our UK based international sales and support team started in 2014 and we currently have 5 exceptionally experienced application, installation and support Engineers. We are particularly strong on understanding the needs of the various chemical process and have developed close working relationships with chemical suppliers.

Most of our European sales are repeat orders from satisfied Customers.

The first line was installed in the US market in the summer of 2019. We have since sold a further 20 lines (also repeat orders). We are busy setting up our US based application and support team with 4 Engineers recruited as of January 2021.

What our clients say…

“Choosing Circuit Tech and WPS was not a difficult decision. Circuit Tech have been building lines for 15 years and have over 2000 installed. Our owner had previously seen many of their lines running in factories he had visited. We also knew their European partner WPS very well having worked with individuals from the Company many times over the years. ”

Merlin Flex MD, Mark Merifield

“We had been looking for a replacement tin lead stripper for some time but were frustrated at the lack of choice available to smaller manufacturers like us. The WPS “Compact” range ticked all the boxes. It has given us a line that suits our technical needs, space needs and budget but with the benefits of full scale professional manufacturing from Wet Process’ s Asian partner Circuit Tech.”

Clive Richards – Owner, Dial Art PC

“We chose the machine from WPS as it offered us the opportunity to upgrade to leading edge developing technology with a tailored easy programmable PLC at a cost effective price. The build quality is excellent and as well as the technical features the machine is designed with the operator in mind to facilitate easy running and maintenance. User friendly and easily programmable software will enable us to build in more functionality to grow with the company.”

Tom Pounds - Photofabrication Ltd.

“A strong technical background combined with a flexible and adaptive approach, focusing on meeting the client’s needs. This package was effectively delivered by Andy Prince & WPS, which made our choice of who we were going to buy our new production lines from very easy. WPS as an organisation took the time to fully understand our technical and the practical needs of the operational staff, which meant that the final technical and commercial offer was the right one”

Alexander Craig - Managing Director, Qualitetch Co. Ltd